  • Working hours: Mon-Fri (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
  • CSLB# 668511 (B, ASB, HAZ, C-21, C-22)



  • COVID-19 Response and Sterilization Services

    The COVID-19 virus has spread rapidly across the country. Due to this there has been an increased concern with the health and safety of our population. However, by acting quickly and responsibly we can all be part of the solution. By utilizing COVID-19 response and sterilization techniques we can minimize the chances of spreading the virus. This allows our country’s health professionals to not be overwhelmed by a mass amount of patients. If you believe your home or work space have been contaminated we are here to help! Please reach out to us here at Unlimited Environmental and we will make sure your living and working spaces are responsibly decontaminated.


  • Microbial contamination is a result of persistent dampness caused by water damage, and may take place over a long period of time- or just a matter of days, depending on atmospheric conditions. Currently, there are no regulations pertaining to the remediation of microbial contamination. However, remediation methods are available, and vary depending on type of fungus, extent of damages, location and exposure.

    We are constantly updating our remediation procedures and all of our Supervisors partake in Mold
    Remediation classes to refresh their knowledge of the growing problem of mold and the different
    techniques and practices used.

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